This file documents changes in mle 2.1.17 to the current version 2.2.7. 2.2.0 - Added parallelization to statements for the linux (unix) versions, useful for multiprocessor machines PBEGIN..END runs each enclosed statement in parallel (a different child process) PFOR...END runs each for loop iteration in parallel (a different child process) PMODEL...END parallelizes the instances for models PDATA...END function forks off each observation added variables MAX_CHILDREN --> then greatest number of children to allow at one time WAIT_ON_CHILDREN --> the number of milliseconds to wait for a child to die 2.2.1 6 - removed a bit of left-over debugging code from statement 2.2.2 9 - Added the following functions: getpid --> current process id, unix only, dos gives 1 getppid --> parents process id, unix only, dos gives 0 fork --> I returns child id or 0. unix only, dos gives 0 waitpid(childid) --> returns status of child process when it ends findfirst(mask, attributes) --> returns (string) first file matching mask, attributes attributes are 1 = readonly 2 = hidden 4 = system file 8 = volumeID 16 = directory 32 = archive 64 = anyfile findnext --> returns (string) the next file matching mask, atttributes of findfirst fsearch(filename, dirlist) searches for filename in a semicolon-separated list of dirs note: on unix, the list may be colon separated. procedure findquit --> frees up space used by findfirst in unix, does nothing in DOS. function GETFILEBNAME(s) --> returns the base name of file name function GETFILEDRIVE(s) --> returns the file drive (e.g. C:foo --> C:) function GETFILEEXT(s) --> returns the file extension (e.g. --> .bar) function GETFILEPATH(s) --> returns the full file path (e.g. C:/this/is/a/path/file.bat --> C:/this/is/a/path/) function GETFILEATTR(s) --> returns the file attributes procedure FILETIME(name:string, yr, var [mo, [dy, [hr, [min, [sec]]]]]:integer) returns - Modified the code to fix a standard output bug. -Added routines for bootstrapping on data frequencies 1. COPYDATAVAR(src, dest) -- copies src to dest. Both are datavars 2. BOOTSTRAP(src, dest) -- bootstraps dest using frequencies in src. Both are datavars -Added some vector statistic functions 1. VSUM(xarray, weightarray) complex, real, integer--> returns real weighted sum 2. VSUMSQ(xarray, weightarray) complex, real, integer--> returns real weighted sumsq 3. VMEAN(array, weightarray) complex, real, integer--> returns real weighted mean 4. VVARIANCE(xarray, weightarray) complex, real, integer--> returns real weighted variance 5. VSTDEV(xarray, weightarray) complex, real, integer--> returns real weighted stddev 6. VMIN(xarray) real, integer--> returns real, integer minimum 7. VMAX(xarray) real, integer--> returns real, integer maximum 8. VQUANTILE(xarray, weightarray, quantile) real, integer--> returns weighted quantile 9. VMEDIAN(xarray, weightarray) real, integer--> returns weighted median The variable ALT_VQUANTILE FALSE --> returns the standard estimator from vmedian and vquantile TRUE --> returns the Harrell-Davis estimator from vmedian and vquantile Harrell FE, Davis CE (1982) A new distribution-free quantile estimator. Biometrika 69:635-30. 10. procedure VSORT(x1array [x2array [x3array. . . ]]]) sorts real arrays by key x1array - Added ARRAYTODATA() procedure. - Fixed a bug in parallelized for loop. 2.2.3 - Fixed the 'good' flag in DMY2NDAYS 2.2.4 - Fixed a bug in data statement - Changed copyright date. - Added mean, geomean, and entropy statistics to print_lliks report. 2.2.5 - Added FREEPARAM() function--is the parameter currently a free model parameter? 2.2.6 - Added Romberg integrator (func.pas). Created I_ROMBERG constant (not documented). Also, made it so that when the integral is called, values > 1 are taken as integrate_n. Set default method to romberg (which is MANY times faster than QUAD or TRAP). Set default precision to 1e-8 (was 1e-6). 2.2.7 - changed ROUND to INT in COMB rounting to prevent integer overflows. - added ISPRIME function. 2.2.8 - added NOW function--returns seconds since 0 ad. - added PROFILEBEGIN and PROFILENEXT statements. I also had to create PROFILE_TIME -- time that current profile began PROFILE_ARRAY -- an array of profile times, incremented by PROFILENEXT PROFILE_INDEX -- the index into the current profile (NOT DOCUMENTED YET) BUG LIST -- complex command lines in exec() function don't work in linux -- Uses too much memory when doing WITH lists -- Compound extreme crashes when a parameter = 0 -- Von Mises quantiles are bad. -- Linear hazard allows negative hazards. Should flag these -- Gompertz can crash system with some bad values. -- Functions like cot need to have range checks done. -- Problem with DAYOFYEAR for very old dates. -- quad integrator is slow and imprecise! Use Romberg instead.